Weaving Menus

Intertwine Arts offers a variety of in-person and virtual weaving workshops. Below are examples of different projects on offer, as well as the resulting artworks from our programs.

Weaving Menu

A series of images demonstrating different weaving focuses, including tapestry, circle, triangle, seasonal, and found object focuses.

A series of woven objects demonstrating different weaving focuses, including tapestry, circle, triangle, seasonal, and found object weavings.


Tapestry Weaving Examples

A series of woven objects demonstrating different kinds of woven tapestry.

A series of woven objects demonstrating different kinds of woven tapestry.

Project Menu

A series of woven objects demonstrating different weaving project focuses, including wall art, ornament, bag, jewelry, card, and a coaster.

A series of woven objects demonstrating different weaving project focuses, including wall art, ornament, bag, jewelry, card, and a coaster.


Circle Weaving Examples

A series of woven objects demonstrating different kinds of circle weavings.

A series of woven objects demonstrating different kinds of circle weavings.

From the Floor Loom

A series of woven objects demonstrating projects made from fabric woven on a floor loom. Includes a stuffed animal, banner, pillow, and wearables.

A series of woven objects demonstrating projects made from fabric woven on a floor loom. Includes a stuffed animal, banner, pillow, and wearables.


Holiday Weaving Examples

A series of woven objects demonstrating different kinds of holiday weavings, including stars, trees, ornaments, and cards.

A series of woven objects demonstrating different kinds of holiday weavings, including stars, trees, ornaments, and cards.